Grzegorz SztabińskiEXHIBITION »
Born in .od., in 1946. He completed his artistic studies at the
Academy of Fine Arts in .od. (1964-1970) and obtained a degree in
philosophy from the University of .od. (1967-1972). Since 1974
he has worked at the University of .od., where he is currently
employed as full professor. He heads the Chair of Aesthetics. In
1984 he began working for the Academy of Fine Arts in .od..
Currently, as full professor, he teaches art theory and art history.
He also conducts the intermedial composition workshop.
The field of his academic research is aesthetics and art history.
He is an author of many articles and books (e.g. Problemy
intelektualizacji sztuki w tendencjach awangardowych
[The Problems of Intellectualization of Art in Avant-Garde
Tendencies], .od. 1991; Dlaczego geometria? Problemy
wspo.czesnej sztuki geometrycznej [Why geometry? Problems
of contemporary geometric art], .od. 2004; Inne idee awangardy.
Wspolnota, wolno.., autorytet [Other Ideas of Avant-Garde.
Community, Liberty, Authority], Warszawa 2011). He is an
editor-in-chief of the annual eArt Inquiry. Recherches sur les artsf.
The forms of Grzegorz Sztabi.skifs artistic expression include
painting, drawing, installation and . occasionally . performance.
His works thus far have been divided into thematic cycles in
which miscellaneous form of expression are employed: Logical
Landscapes, Symbolizations, Objects, Self-Quotations, The
Writing of Nature, Inter-Objects, The Silent Collages.
He organized 65 individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad.
He also took part in many group exhibitions (eg. 1977: Cleveland
[U.K.] Third International Drawing Biennale . the prize; 1978:
IX Festiwal Polskiego Malarstwa Wspo.czesnego [IX Festival
of Polish Contemporary Painting], Szczecin . the prize; 1979:
XV Bienal Internacional de Art, Sao Paulo; 1. Internationale
Jugendtriennale, Nurnberg . the prize; 1981: Troisieme Symposium
Internationaldfart. Performance, Lyon; 1984: J.zyk geometrii
[Language of Geometry], Warszawa, Galeria Zach.ta; 1986:
40 ans, 40 artistes, 40 pays, Paris, Palais de lfUNESCO; 1989:
Symposium of Systematic and Constructive Art., Madrid; 1994:
Polska abstrakcja analityczna [Polish Analitical Abstraction],
Wroc.aw, BWA; 2000: Sztuka dwoch czasow [Art of Two Periods],
Gda.sk, Muzeum Narodowe; Die Vier Jahreszeiten. Polnische
Landschaftsmalerei von der Aufklarung bis Heute, Frankfurt; 2001:
J.zyk geometrii II [Language of Geometry II], Katowice; 2008:
Dowcip i w.adza s.dzenia. Asteizm w Polsce [Joke and Judgement.
Asteicism in Poland], Warszawa, Centrum Sztuki Wspo.czenej).
ul. Sandomierska 1/9 m. 46
94-010 £ód¼
e-mail: grzegorzsztabinski@op.pl