Aleksander HałatEXHIBITION »
Born in 1936 in Radomsko.
Studies at the Higher School
of Fine Arts and Design in
Łódź in 1955-61.
Since 1961 faculty member
of the School.
Presently, professor at the
Władysław Strzemiński
Academy of Fine Arts and
Design in Łódź.
Head of Sculpture Studio,
since 1991 Head of
Department of Painting,
Drawing and Sculpture at
the Faculty of Graphic Art
and Painting.
Pursues sculpture, objects,
installations, prefers to create
cycles of works.
His sculptures - objects filled
with signs and symbols,
sometimes citations from old
art - form a personal message
conveyed as a projection of
memories and, at the same
time, a sum of experience.
They are accompanied by
a philosophical reflection on
the issues of existence and
cognition. In these works one
can clearly see the disciplined
use of visual means tending
towards simple ascetic forms.
Works presented at 11 solo
Participated in over
100 group exhibitions
- regional, national and
international at home and
abroad - and retreats.
1961-1963 worked with art
group 'New Lines'.
1970-1972 worked with art
group 'Concrete' - author's
exhibitions, happenings,
1972-1980 engaged in
works of 'small architecture'
(habitat, man, environment).
Many times awarded with
prizes, honorary mentions
and medals in competitions,
exhibitions as well as for the
creation and didactic
achievements, twice awarded
by the Minister of Art and
Aleksander Hałat
ul. Łagiewnicka 102/116 m. 370
91-456 Łódź
tel. 042 - 6556591