Ewa Wojtyniak-Dębińska EXHIBITION »

Born in Zgierz in 1967. In 1988-1993 she studied at Wł. Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, the Faculty of Visual Education.
In 1993 she obtained a diploma with distinction in the Studio of Graphic Arts run by Professor Tomasz Chojnacki. Since 1992 she
has been working as an academic teacher at Wł. Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, at the Department of Theory and
History of Art. In 2002 she completed a first level doctorate in graphic art.
She is concerned with graphic art, photography and drawing. She has held 9 individual exhibitions and participated in 30 group
exhibitions. She has published 26 critical texts in the following journals: Exit, Format, Kalejdoskop, the monthly magazines
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Lubuskie Pismo Literacko-Kulturalne Pro Libris as well as Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa
She is the authoress of 14 chapters in the publications on the Lodz artists titled Imiona własne sztuki łódzkiej:
współczesne malarstwo, grafika, rzeźba i twórczość intermedialna, edited by G. Sztabiński, P. Sztabińska, Łódź 2008 and the
chapter Transmedialność w grafice współczesnej [in:] Sztuki w przestrzeni transmedialnej, edited by T. Załuski, Łódź 2010 as
well as the chapter Sztuka publiczna a osobowość jej uczestników [in:] Wielokodowość komunikacji, series: Poznawać, Tworzyć,
Komunikować, edited by A. Barańska, Łódź 2011.
She has taken part in 5 research conferences.

Ewa Wojtyniak-Dębińska
e-mail: ewa.wojtyniak-debinska@asp.lodz.pl