AMCOR Gallery

At the end of the 20s and at the beginning of the 30s of the 20th century Łódź became the important centre of Polish avant-garde. From the initiative of Władysław Strzemiński, one of the greatest Polish artists and promoters of modern art, the Group 'a.r.' was formed in Łódź. Artists overwhelmed with the idea of creating the Collection of Modern Art in Łódź gathered works which increased the collection of the Museum of Art in Łódź. The collection presenting all main trends of the world avant-garde was open to the public in 1931. It is worth emphasizing that it was it only the second, after Abstrakten Kabinett in Hanover, such an abundant and representative collection of contemporary art in Europe.
The tradition of the avant-garde art propagated by prewar authors had enormous influence on later, post-war search of the Łódź art environment and on the character of training at the State High School of Fine arts which was founded after World War II.
Graduates of the today's Academy make a big group of outstanding artists. The traditions of the interwar avant-garde were always perceptible in Galleries. They are still the centre of artistic experiment.
Amcor Gallery presented creative attitudes of over 40 artists from Łódź or connected with the Łódź artistic environment, including professors and graduates of the State High School of Fine Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź.
In the seat of the company we have an opportunity to see the works of artists who are mature and won recognition and the young ones who use their own original means of expression.
The works show a variety of philosophical and existential reflections, more or less generalized, using different formal means of expression. The reflections mainly refer to the essence and structure of existence, the sources, tools and credibility of cognition, the principles of judging, the sense of life and the ways it is led. There are many manifestations which concern ontological issues widely comprehended such as the character and structure of reality, structure of matter, the laws ruling the world.
Taking the variety of issues and meanings into account, the characteristic feature of the creation of the presented artists is undoubtedly an attempt to keep balance between the idea and the way of its articulation, between the mental - reflective layer and the formal - aesthetic aspect. We can observe the conviction about the permanence of forms typical of the traditional approach to fine arts and, despite the changes which have occurred in contemporary art in the last 40 years, the significance of its physical aspect.
The artists are characterized by their respect for the traditional values in art, perfect skills. What is more, in most cases a manner of articulation which marks the artist's work with the brand of individuality seems to be significant; working out a personal way of expression, a recognizable style becomes the artists' ambition and the aim of their efforts.

Amcor Amcor jest australijską firmą z siedzibą w Melbourne. Galeria Amcor (wcześniej Galeria Rentsch Polska, Galeria Amcor Rentsch) należy do przedsiębiorstwa Amcor Specialty Cartons Polska Sp. z o.o., jednej z firm grupy Amcor Specialty Cartons z centralą w Zurychu.
Gallery was founded in 1996, although in 1995 the first exhibition was organized to celebrate the opening ceremony of the Printing House Rentsch Polska. The exhibition presented the works by Piotr Ciesielski (painting, graphics, photography), the well-known artist who has been cooperating with Rentsch Polska Gallery and Amcor Gallery up till now.
There is no doubt that since that time the Gallery has become a significant prestigious place of artistic presentations in Łódź. A variety of art exhibitions, meetings with artists as well as literary - artistic presentations have been held there as well. The Gallery publishes beautiful catalogues, cooperating with the best artists in Łódź. It publishes books. It cooperates with other galleries.
The Gallery has already exhibited drawings, watercolour and oil paintings, graphics made in different techniques, photography, sculptures, and even the collection of artistic batik.
The permanent presentation of artistic works in the industrial surroundings confirms the possibility of connecting artistic values of work with their functional aspect, and at the same time it contributes to their popularization. The case of Amcor Company is still a rare example of an enterprise's involvement in the patronage of art. Opening its interiors to the needs of the Gallery the Company also provides the financial help with publishing catalogues and books and organizes vernissages which become the chance for the authors of works, guests invited and workers of the enterprise to meet together.
Each year one of the exhibitions and the catalogue is a kind of reward given by the Company to the winner of the Władysław Strzemiński Competition organized by the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. Gallery also organises the Competition for Small Graphic Form for students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź.
