Hanna Laskowska »
WYSTAWA: od 12 LIPCA do 28 Września 2006

Although Hanna Laskowska's works fill in very simple, sometimes nearly abstract forms, the starting point for these images is always the real world, direct perception and observation of naturę. From a variety of stimuli the artist obtains elements which later on she analyses and simplifies, tranforms them so that she could conform their shape to the rule of the image construction.
However, she still stays within the ground of representative art which merely tends towards a Iyrical variation of abstraction. The works seem to be impressions, reflecting the character and atmosphere of encounters with some fragments of a landscape. The artist does not care for a detail, a photographic reflection of reality. There is also no image of a human being that would introduce the element of literalness, specifics of a given context.
Hanna Laskowska does not reproduce the exact topography of landscapes - she only constructs their expression by means of visual signs, finally giving their generalising impressionistic synthesis. She tries to reveal a variety of relationships, associations and contrasts which occur in them. The artist is interested in cropping, play on planes, relations of colours and values, pointing out and compromising the directions of tensions.
The compositions are not only the reflection of sight impressions; deliberately simplified image structures express various emotions and feelings. That is why the young artist uses varied means of expression, combines free drawing with coloured patches originating from water colours, texture is enriched by sprays - at this stage of her creation she recognises and uses the potential of litography, the graphic technique which seems to have been selected by the artist as it has a great potential to transfer a painting idea onto a printing plane.
Hanna Laskowska freely lays proper patches of colour. She emphasises their dynamie value. She varies their saturation and temperaturę juxtaposing permanent and sketchy shapes. she puts forms of different textures next to one another. Where it is necessary, she takes advantage of the white of a sheet of paper. There are no contours of objects here, and when they appear, they usually do not go with the coloured patch. Lines run along casual routes, not marking the borders of objects, yet creating a separate value which rhythmises and dynamises the composition. The effect is also the result of diffusing planes, of strokes of fresh, often brave hues, of the sketchy character of images.
The impressions inspired by the urban landscapes of the Maghreb reflect the mood of that space and culture in colour, intensity and temperaturę of the atmosphere, in the mirage character of the wobbling image. The transformed views of Urbino or Łódź draw our attention to other traits of these spaces, reveal their mysterious monochromatic nooks or sloping planes of roofs, they stress the red of brick walls, mingle the landscape with some significant cultural accents, like rows of slanted mazevahs. Hanna Laskowska appreciates free spontaneous painting and drawing, she tries to reach sincerity and genuineness of expression characteristic of 'savage' art of children and naive artists. She often uses methods typical of these areas of art. Sometimes her works lack the elements of traditional perspective, which in the case of children is treated as a procedurę which is imposed, conventional and hampering expression; she avoids typical means of expression tending to present 3-dimensional objects, her graphic works are dominated by a dynamie compositional shape, the linę is sometimes only a record of a gesture, it is morę often non-representative rather than representative, expression of colour corresponds with feelings and emotions.
This kind of approach confirms the artisfs need to understand the very process of creation, to gain knowledge conceming what she is doing, to be aware of her motives and the way the image, which is the transformation of reality, is shaped. Apart from the artistic aspect, the particular cognitive and self-cognitive aspect is important here. Being on the threshold of a maturę artistic search Hanna Laskowska wishes to maintain feelings and intuition - by awareness enriched in the creative process, by self-recognition which is the sum of subsequent experiences.
Dariusz Leśnikowski
Transl. Elżbieta Rodzeń-Leśnikowska
