Krzysztof Cichosz EXHIBITION »

He was born in £ód¼ in 1955. In 1985-1989 he studied at the college of Photography in Warsaw and in 1999-2002 at the
Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. In 2004 he obtained the title of Doctor of Arts in artistic photography) at PWSFTviT (State
High School of Film, TV and Theatre) in £ód¼, and in 2010 habilitation in film art.
He pursues documentary, sociological and creative photography as well as electronic media photography.
He worked out his own unique method of large format space photoinstallations that combine photography with the elements
of painting, sculpture and computer technique.
He organised 25 individual exhibitions and participated in 70 collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad. He was a curator
of a couple of collective exhibtions. He got numerous awards for his artistic and promotional activity.
He is an initiator and curator of FF Gallery (Photography Forum) that has been active in £ód¼ Since 1983. Since 1989 it is
seated at £ódzki Dom Kultury (The £ód¼ Culture Centre).
He works as a lecturer at the High School of Film, TV and Theatre in £ód¼.
He is a member of the Society of Polish Artists Photographers.

Krzysztof Cichosz
e-mail: kjcichosz@gmail.pl